Sunday, December 2, 2012

Creating a Corporate Video

Creating a corporate video is similar to creating any type of web video. The idea needs to be well thought out and planned for. Every single detail of the video from the purpose to the dress needs to be discussed with your company or group involved in the production of a video. Nothing should be left behind. Strategize for what kind of outcome you want to come from this video. Make a list, chart, or graph of what is expected. Keeping everything organized and clear will help the flow of the video and the communication process. The more detail that is analyzed will lead to a better outcome.

First and foremost, decide what the purpose of the video will be. This should be established when first deciding to produce a video. Do not go into the process not knowing why you want this video and what you want it to accomplish. Before you hire a video production company decide whether you want the video to provide awareness, ask customers to answer a survey, drive others to help with sales, project a new product on the market, or fulfill all of these. Have a goal in mind to refer to and aim for.

Know the kind of audience that you want to target. Brainstorm the exact audience member that you want. Decide upon their age, gender, annual income, and interests. Not every single audience member will have these qualities, they may not even have one, but it is still beneficial to get a sense of who you want viewing your video. Whoever it may be, the more traffic the better. With a difference in audience members, it will make discussions more interesting and more enjoyable because there will be so many different viewpoints. Those who view the video will want to share it with others who will also enjoy the video. Define your ideal consumer, but keep in mind those who are a contributing factor to the video traffic.

With that being said, correlate your content material with your ideal consumers in mind. It will help your chances of attaining the people that you want with the content and message that you want to convey. Offer your audience members a good reason to want to watch your video from the best video production. Create material that is worthwhile and informational, but add humor and entertaining factors to the content. Not a single person will get through a whole video if it is boring and standard.

Make sure that your intended message is clear and to the point. The consumers need to pick up on the message immediately, before the video is even over. You need to give the people what they want. The video should be within a reasonable time frame, three to five minutes. It should not be any longer than that. The video should be clear, concise, fluid, and incorporate your business ideals. Use standard language throughout the whole video to ensure that every viewer will understand and comprehend the material. Embed the video on the homepage and share it with your chosen social networking sites. Once your video is completed and sent to you, promote the video on every platform and in every way possible.

Why Web Videos Are More Effective   Business Blogging and Lead Generation   How To Do Videos - For Local Business Owners   8 Ways To Socialize Your Video Marketing Strategy   What Is Video Marketing? A Valuable Strategy   The Six Steps to Start Making Online Video   

Five Simple Reasons To Incorporate Video Into Your Marketing Strategies

A ComScore report showed that 182 million U.S. Internet users watched online video content in December 2011 for an average of 23.2 hours per viewer (over 13% more hours per viewer than in November). The total U.S. Internet audience watched 43.5 billion videos.

Exploring the stats a little deeper reveals the power of visual effects on today's consumer whether it's apparent with the staggering 51.2 million predicted users expected to look at any of their favorite videos on their smart-phones through the 4 Billion+ YouTube's online videos, to being visibly apparent in the abundant sources of online movie and television sites like Blip.TV and Vimeo, or through visual devices utilized today like Apple TV.

It's obvious that there are bountiful benefits for incorporating video into your marketing strategy. So, regardless the individual need, there is power in video. No matter how you slice the stats, the numbers all boldly display the value of "Opening the possibilities of video marketing." But if you're still not moved by the numbers, below are five simple reasons to incorporate video into your marketing strategies.

1. Online video distribution can increase brand reach and thereby greatly impacts brand awareness. Most importantly, using video can be appealing to a very diverse audience segment and wide range of users. Keep your message simple, yet interesting. Your content should be engaging enough to appeal to a broad band of users, including everyone from young kids to the eldest viewer. Also, incorporate diversity in your marketing and brand tones and campaigns to best connect your target audience. Using video allows a business to hit a very expansive group of new users with quicker access thereby expanding the brand's user base.

2. Incorporating video can help deliver stronger product knowledge and can effectively introduce new brand content, provide unknown facts, or extend the company or organization's recognition amongst consumers. It's been proven that most learners benefit greatly from visual learning aids.

3. Video can be a huge customer acquisition and growth channel for creating new sales and revenues. All it takes is one video distribution of highly engaging content that depicts what your company specializes in to go viral on the search engine & social sites. Although this shouldn't be your sole mission, don't be afraid to have fun... or create a diversified video marketing campaign. Have fun with it because fun sells. You also want to keep in mind that video can not only increase your audience base but it can convert a viewer into an actual customer to eventually becoming a high - valued loyal consumer. A great video can also be useful in boosting employee interest and moral or even garnering outside sponsorships and partnerships.

4. Content diversification and platform integration seamlessly go hand-in-hand with video marketing. Take the time to allocate a monetary budget to obtain a professional video service or work with a creative agency will yield optimal returns by ensuring not only is the video content top quality but there is also brand cohesiveness within your messages. However, if you're committed to producing this video on your own, remember to keep the content highly engaging and remember, when you're considering mobile; the diversity of devices and applications ranging from phones, smart-phones, tablets, iPods, iPads, and Amazon Kindles... as well as the many social video bookmarking platforms i.e. Myspace, MyVidster and Kaltura.

5. Video marketing can simultaneously impact your online, organic & SEO rankings. Creating an appealing video will directly strengthen the number of viewers and thereby increase your rankings and traffic analytics; therefore impacting your online SEO rankings and pushing your visibility higher on the major and minor search engines. Also, note that most of the major search engines rank video with higher algorithms; another push with boosting your online presence when users are looking and searching for keywords or business categories related to your company.

When utilizing video marketing, the returns are endless. The road is an open pathway to many vital business opportunities. Keep in mind however, that first a strategy and marketing plan must be developed to better offer the guidance and steps of execution needed to yield the highest ROI's. Regardless of whether a new business owner looking to launch your new venture or an esteemed brand looking to promote a new product, incorporating video will provide the reach to open up the dialogue and impart the knowledge that is pivotal for growing customer relations and extending the brand's base to increasing overall cash-flows.

If your business is looking to expand or introduce your brand into the areas of video marketing, Purview | Creative Strategy & Design can assist you with all of your video marketing initiatives and needs from developing the individual strategies to implementing the executions and installing the necessary services.

Why Web Videos Are More Effective   Business Blogging and Lead Generation   How To Do Videos - For Local Business Owners   8 Ways To Socialize Your Video Marketing Strategy   What Is Video Marketing? A Valuable Strategy   The Six Steps to Start Making Online Video   

How Movie Trailers Equal Ultimate Marketing Success Fast!

By far, one of the most popular types of video on YouTube is the movie trailer. In a very short amount of time, a cleverly produced trailer can make a viewer want more of what it is previewing, which as you know, is a huge component of advertising. So how does it work?

Remember the last time you saw a really great trailer. Was it for a movie that was being released? Keep picturing the trailer in your mind and you'll remember that it made you not only want to see the movie- it was something you had to see.

Any movie trailer that can make the audience say, "I have to see that new movie" is a successful promotion. It's the same philosophy with advertising- you want potential customers or website visitors to be so moved that they simply cannot wait to experience more, and trailers have the power to do that.

We have to look at how movie trailers work from the inside out and apply that to business promotion. First, the trailer will show scenes (glimpses) of what the audience can expect when viewing the whole film. Each scene is carefully selected to present the best possible representation of a movie.

In addition to having the right clips, the tone of a trailer is also important. Action movies tend to have a fast paced roller coaster ride of exciting scenes. Comedies show the funniest parts, jokes, etc. Dramas usually rely on strong emotional dialogue, mystery, and/or unanswered questions.

Occasionally, a movie will attempt to capture all of these elements and it can be quite a task to accurately convey them within the confines of a 1 to 3 minute trailer. Studios with those movies walk a fine line between several genres, but when it is done right, it can be extremely successful because it appeals to a wider audience range. Unlike the movie trailer that hopes to accomplish it all, most promotional campaigns have a very direct message that everything else is built around.

No other type of advertising media today has the impact of a high quality trailer, and audiences respond to it with interest and anticipation- the keys to effective marketing promotions as well. Personality is another major element in a promotional video as each trailer will only be successful if it connects with people. and it is essential for you to know about your individual audience.

Why Web Videos Are More Effective   Business Blogging and Lead Generation   How To Do Videos - For Local Business Owners   8 Ways To Socialize Your Video Marketing Strategy   What Is Video Marketing? A Valuable Strategy   

How to Get a Video Testimonial

You already know that customer testimonials and "social proof" can be very powerful, and can go a long way in convincing your prospects to work with you. Written testimonials are great, but video testimonials are even more compelling. Seeing an "actual client" providing honest feedback on camera is far more engaging than a text-only testimonial.

Only problem is, your clients may not be familiar with how to create a video testimonial for you. Well, here are some simple instructions that you can give to your customers so they can record a quick video testimonial for you:

The easiest way to have your client record their video is with a computer and webcam. Keep it simple. They can even use their smart phone if it has video capabilities, or any kind of pocket cam like a Flip camera or a Kodak Playsport. Be sure to suggest that they talk directly into the camera and to speak clearly and loud enough to be heard. (If they're using a webcam or smart phone, the microphone is in the camera - so they don't want to stand too far away from the camera).

Ask your client to fire up their webcam and record a brief, 1 - 2 minute video describing their experience of working with you. You can give them the script outline below. Tell them not to worry too much about quality - this doesn't need to be perfect, just authentic.

The quickest and most direct approach for a video testimonial is typically a "before/after" format. Your client can follow a simple process as follows:


1. Introduce yourself - Tell who you are and what you do

2. Explain your situation "before." What was your challenge? What were you struggling with? What did you need? What kind of problem were you looking to solve?

3. After you worked with the coach or company, what were your results? Please be as specific as possible here. Give examples. What problem or challenge were you able to overcome with their help? Describe your experience and your outcomes.

4. Wrap up with a brief summary of your overall experience and recommendation.

5. You may one to close with one key, positive point or take-away from the experience.

That's it! Then have your client send the video file to you, and you've got your testimonial! You can also ask your client to post the testimonial to YouTube for additional exposure and visibility. Be sure that you add your new video testimonial to your own website or blog, and that it doesn't end up sitting on your hard drive. Repeat the process as necessary!

Why Web Videos Are More Effective   Business Blogging and Lead Generation   How To Do Videos - For Local Business Owners   8 Ways To Socialize Your Video Marketing Strategy   What Is Video Marketing? A Valuable Strategy   The Six Steps to Start Making Online Video   

Can Someone Really Blog With Video Marketing For Cash?

One of the greatest advantages of video marketing is the search engines love to rate videos heavier than any other content. Yes, the search engines even rate videos more than text. As a video internet marketer, you have to improve your rankings by providing the search engines with lots of fresh new videos.

A majority of your website traffic will be driven by the search engines, so don't forget to produce videos that they can understand. You can do this by including your keywords where ever you can. Starting with your title, you should have your main keyword in the title since the major search engines recognize the title and use it when they're ranking. You also have to add your keyword to your video's transcript text because this is also a place that the search engine spiders like to crawl. The easier you make it for these spiders to understand what your video is about, the better chance you have of getting ranked. Although there are numerous ways to get better website rankings, you have to treat videos a little different because you should pay attention to the text that is close to your video because the spiders aren't able to read what is actually inside your videos.

There is no doubt that we are struggling through a troubled economy right now, but nobody seems to know how long this downturn is going to last. Unfortunately, this makes a lot of people so nervous that they don't know what to do. While some of you may have heard of this "making money online" thing, you aren't really sure what it all means. First, let me put you at ease and let you know that it is completely possible to make money, and not everything is a scam. For example, a lot of successful people like to blog for money. Let's start with some of the basics. A blog is really nothing more than an online journal, and is a short for web log. The best part is that you can start blogging for no cost. Even better is that there are some online blog services that make it really easy to get up and running, regardless of how computer savvy you may or may not be. It typically takes anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or two to get your blog started.

If somebody really likes viewing your video, the chances are that they'll instantly share it with their friends, who subsequently, will share it with their friends too. If the video genuinely captures people's imagination the process becomes self-perpetuating and creates an actual buzz on-line, quickly becoming part of numerous on-line discussions.

Today, however, video marketing through e-mail still happens, but it has been dwarfed by the sharing of videos throughout social networking sites like Twitter or Facebook, and also the numerous video-sharing websites which have sprung up since the inception of YouTube. The basic premise of viral marketing has in fact been around for significantly longer than inbox-to-inbox sharing: word-of-mouth. All that is changed will be the conversations are now happening on-line and across a significantly bigger geographical region.

Why Web Videos Are More Effective   Business Blogging and Lead Generation   How To Do Videos - For Local Business Owners   8 Ways To Socialize Your Video Marketing Strategy   What Is Video Marketing? A Valuable Strategy   

10 Reasons to Include a Video on Your Website

In today's web based business world, companies have become increasingly competitive in pushing for the most interactive and stimulating web experience they can achieve. Today's business owners are acutely aware that in order to set themselves apart from the competition they need a website that can capture the visitor's attention and educate them on the company's history, products and services. Web videos are one highly effective and inexpensive means of enhancing your website and ensuring that visitors stay on your site longer. By keeping visitors on your site longer, you will be improving your site's search engine ranking, thus drawing in more customers and producing more sales. In case you're still wondering what exactly web videos can do for you company, here are a list of the top ten reasons why you should add a video to your company's website.

1. Capture a Visitor's Short Attention Span

Studies show that a website has all of ten seconds to capture a visitor's attention before losing the viewer forever. A video which appears on the front page of your site can capture a visitor's attention right away and keep them on your site for a longer period of time.

2. Convey Information Quickly and Effectively

Like a television commercial, a properly executed web video is brief and concise, and can convey information in a quick and effective manner. In an increasingly web based world where more and more people are using the Internet for their entertainment, it is far easier and more profitable to make use of web videos than television commercials.

3. Help Visitors Navigate Your Website

Where some websites are complicated and can be a challenge to navigate, some visitors may become exasperated and leave the site out of frustration. This can be easily avoided by using a web video to help direct visitors to any information they may need.

4. Educate Visitors About Your Company

Using web videos gives you the opportunity to reach out in a more personal manner to potential customers and let them know who you are and what you are all about. Whether your company is trendy, stylish, and edgy, or straight-laced and strictly professional, you can convey these characteristics through your videos to let the viewer get to know you.

5. Achieve Viral Status

Word of mouth is one of the most highly effective means of promotion. By creating an exceedingly witty and entertaining video you will have created the potential for that video to go viral, being passed from person to person, and snowballing into more hits and potential customers than you could ever hope to reach through traditional marketing strategies.

6. Make Use of SEO

Just like traditional text content, through the use of video SEO, web videos can also be enhanced to allow search engines to locate your more easily. Making use of video SEO will allow your website to be ranked higher in search engine results, increasing your web exposure and drawing in new customers.

7. Keep Them Coming Back For More

A humorous and entertaining video alone can keep the viewer coming back to your website again and again, drawing them in and increasing your chance of sales.

8. Give Your Site a Professional Appearance

By making use of web videos you will be lending both a professional tone and appearance to your website which will impress upon viewers that you are a high quality organization. A professional appearance can greatly sway a potential customer to use your business over others.

9. Promote New Offers

Properly placed, web videos can be an excellent means of spreading information about new products and services, deals and promotions that your company has to offer.

10. Videos Can Make Your Site Interactive and Engaging

Perhaps the most important aspect a web video has to offer is that it gives an interactive component to your website. Most websites based solely on text content are so static and un-engaging that they simply cannot hold the viewer's attention. Using web videos can make your website more interactive and dynamic, raising the number of regular viewers and increasing sales.

Why Web Videos Are More Effective   Business Blogging and Lead Generation   How To Do Videos - For Local Business Owners   8 Ways To Socialize Your Video Marketing Strategy   What Is Video Marketing? A Valuable Strategy   

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